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Ludmila B. Braniște


In the context of the phenomenon of accentuated mobility in today’s globalised world, mastering linguistic skills is no longer sufficient since our students face situations in which they have to identify, recognize and interpret some concrete attitudes and behaviors adopted by their interlocutors in speech. The present article is centred around the development of cultural competence in foreign students learning Romanian as a foreign language. Our aim is to suggest the methods which would ensure the creative character of the language learning process, motivate our students and better integrate them into Romanian society. The case study presented in the paper describes various didactic activities organised with the help of cultural activists and university professors from Iasi, TVR Iasi, Radio Iasi, and Iasi press.


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How to Cite
Braniște, L. B. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE IN TEACHING ROMANIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Methodical Perspectives, 14(14-2), 275–288.
Author Biography

Ludmila B. Braniște

University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” in Iaşi


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