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Сенка Р. Стојанов
Наташа Н. Поповић


The aim of this paper is to present the beliefs and attitudes of parents of preschool children towards the early learning of French as a foreign language, as well as towards the learning of foreign languages in general. The research was conducted during April and May 2019, at the French Institute in Belgrade and in Novi Sad. The sample included 59 parents of preschool children. A combination of qualitative and quantitative procedures was used for processing the data collected through a combined questionnaire. The results of the research have shown that most parents have a positive attitude towards early learning of foreign languages and they gave a positive evaluation of various aspects of the teaching process and the quality of teaching. Parents recognize the importance of learning a foreign language at an early age, as well as the important role games and fun activities play in motivating children to actively participate in the learning process and to acquire a language in a fun and effortless manner. 


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Стојанов, С. Р. ., & Поповић, Н. Н. . (2024). BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES OF PARENTS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN ON EARLY LEARNING OF FRENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Methodical Perspectives, 15(1), 229–250.


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