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Andrea-Beata B. Jelić


Compulsory foreign language learning at the age of 6–7 followed by optional learning of a second foreign language at the age of 10 was introduced in all Croatian primary schools in 2003. Spanish, as the fifth foreign language learned in Croatia, has only recently been offered as a second foreign language. The article presents results of qualitative research conducted by means of a questionnaire with Croatian learners of Spanish as a foreign language aged 9–15 (N=134) with the aim of examining their motivation to learn Spanish and inquiring about their attitudes towards the learning situation in the school context. The results suggest that participants exhibited a positive initial motivational profile and positive attitudes towards the learning situation with some differences between younger and older learners. Based on these research results, a wider presence of Spanish as a second foreign language in primary schools across the country is recommended.


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Jelić , A.-B. B. . (2024). EARLY LEARNING OF SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN CROATIA: THE LEARNER PERSPECTIVE. Methodical Perspectives, 15(1), 211–227. https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2024.15.211-227


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