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Milica A. Mastilo
Jelena M. Kovač


This research explores a methodological support in a service-learning program, with a focus on its perception and reception during the “Spanish at Alas” project. The focus of the teaching process is a task-based foreign language teaching at an early age. We will present the research conducted at the Department of Iberian Studies at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, with undergraduate and master students. The research includes two generations of future Spanish teachers, participants in the project who are in the process of initial teacher education. We used a Google Forms survey to collect data. The aim was to show to what extent service-learning contributes to the critical thinking development and encourages reflection about one’s own role in the project, firstly about the teaching process itself, and then about the local community development. The results showed that professional guidance through the lesson preparation and methodological support contributed to overcoming of professional challenges faced by students, to leaving the framework of the traditional approach to teaching, and that the participants of the service-learning program were ultimately professionally empowered.  


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Mastilo, M. A. ., & Kovač, J. M. . (2024). METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT DURING SERVICE-LEARNING PROGRAM: THE EXAMPLE OF “SPANISH AT ALAS”. Methodical Perspectives, 15(1), 149–168.


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