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Ивана Ј. Вранић Петковић
Драгица Д. Мирковић
Ана Б. Мандић Ивковић


The subject of this paper is to identify the problems and challenges faced by teaching staff at state higher education institutions in Serbia, focusing on foreign language teaching, at the beginning and during the global pandemic caused by the corona virus. The goal was to define the newly created situation in the context of (un)successful implementation of the teaching process. In order to extract essential data for this pilot research, a survey of 9 questions was created and sent to professors who teach foreign languages at state higher education institutions. The survey was conducted during May and June 2022, and the answers of 31 respondents were analyzed using a descriptive statistics (percentages). The research confirmed the assumption of the authors that the urgent implementation of alternative online forms of foreign language teaching due to the corona virus pandemic presented professors of foreign languages with a great challenge in terms of the organization of teaching, but also revealed some new aspects and benefits of distance learning with which they have not met so far.


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How to Cite
Вранић Петковић, И. Ј., Мирковић, Д. Д., & Мандић Ивковић, А. Б. (2023). CHALLЕNGES IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS DURING THE VIRUS COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Methodical Perspectives, 14(14-2), 183–203.
Author Biographies

Ивана Ј. Вранић Петковић

Београдска академија пословних и уметничких струковних студија,

Катедра за стране језике

Драгица Д. Мирковић

Београдска академија пословних и уметничких струковних студија,

Катедра за стране језике

Ана Б. Мандић Ивковић

Београдска академија пословних и уметничких струковних студија,

Катедра за стране језике


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