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Research on written students’ assignments collectively displays the most common types of norm-deviant forms (Travinić, 1957/1958; Rosandić, 2002; Alerić, 2009). With the aim of their reduction and elimination, the application of different feedback strategies is proposed in the teaching methodology literature. In order to determine the effectiveness of the teacher’s feedback, the use of norm-(non)deviant forms in written assignments of the same students was recorded longitudinally. Due to its broad scope, the analysis was focused on the use of the 1st p. sing. aorist form of the verb biti (‘be’). The analysis comprised six written assignments of the same primary school students (N=44). The descriptive analysis has determined the frequent use of the observed norm-(non)deviant form in written assignments over time, teacher feedback, and its transient effectiveness, whereas the qualitative analysis has shown whether there is a reduction in the use of norm-deviant forms over time and if it can be attributed to feedback.
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