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The new environment created by information and communication technologies due to the COVID-19 pandemic has become the focus of educational policy and reform. The results of the latest research studies conducted in Serbia (N=619) and in Serbia incl. neighbouring countries (N=2487) indicated a number of problems that marked the beginnings of online teaching and the need to adapt the way of working with students to new requirements. (KzZB 2020; Nikolić, Milivojević 2020). The aim of our paper is to present the potential of performative approaches in the digital environment and offer concrete proposals for integrating dramatic elements into a new teaching concept of foreign language teaching, which is the project of extracurricular activities with students in the German Studies degree programme at the University of Kragujevac. The focus is on instructions for the use of tools in the virtual classroom, which can contribute to overcoming the problems of online classes, such as the lack of social interaction, monotonous teaching and demotivation. In this way, we provide concrete suggestions for overcoming the disadvantages of online classes, such as the lack of social interaction, monotonous teaching and learning experience and demotivation. In addition, these proposals aim to facilitate the training of teachers to use drama activities in an online enviroment and to enrich their experiences in working with digital tools.
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