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Јелена М. Марковић
Ранка М. Станковић


This paper explores two discourse phenomena: the first and second personal pronoun use in the function of personal metadiscourse and the formality level fluctuation, in the written discourse in L1 Serbian (the KorSSAng corpus). In the light of Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis, the results are compared to the results of the previous research performed on the reference L2 corpus in English of the same group of language users (the ICLE-SE corpus). The comparison has clearly shown that the weaknesses of the L2 discourse competence identified in the previous research are regularly found in the L1 written discourse. Generally speaking, the results undoubtedly point out that a more systematic teaching writing approach is needed, not only in the L2, but also in the L1 Serbian classes. Therefore the paper offers a pedagogically-oriented approach to teaching writing based on authentic corpora classroom use (Data-driven learning), suggesting specific classroom activities enhancing students’ discourse competence in both L1 and L2.


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Марковић, Ј. М., & Станковић, Р. М. (2021). I/YOU/WE IN DISCOURSE COMPETENCE IN THE LIGHT OF CONTRASTIVE INTERLANGUAGE ANALYSIS. Methodical Perspectives, 12(12), 95–119. https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2021.12.95-119


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