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Belma S. Polić


The paper: 1) presents the role of elements of culture and civilization in foreign language teaching, in order to notice their importance and obligatoriness in the teaching process, since language and culture are closely related components of human existence; 2) analyzes the textbook Menschen A2, which is used in teaching German as a foreign language in many eminent foreign language schools, to show the representation of elements of culture and civilization in the textbook; 3) classifies the elements of culture and civilization excerpted from the analyzed textbook in order to answer the question: are all three key approaches (cognitive, communicative and intercultural) represented in the treatment of civilization in the analyzed textbook? The analysis shows that the textbook contains enough tasks and exercises in the field of culture and civilization and that all three of these approaches are equally represented in the treatment of these contents.


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How to Cite
Polić, B. S. (2020). ELEMENTS OF CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION IN A GERMAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK MENSCHEN A2. Methodical Perspectives, 11(11), 169–188. https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2020.11.169-188
Author Biography

Belma S. Polić

University of Zenica

Faculty of Philosophy, Department of German Language and Literature


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