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Irena V. Vodopija-Krstanović
Dorina R. Badurina


Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is considered to be an innovative approach to fostering multilingual education in Europe. In order to teach effectively, CLIL teachers should have linguistic and methodological competences for subject teaching, assessment, materials development and classroom management in a foreign language. However, not many subject teachers have the necessary language and pedagogical skills. Drawing on data obtained through semi-structured interviews with CLIL teachers, we examine their attutudes towards CLIL, the challenges of teaching CLIL, and the measures to address these challenges. The findings show that teachers have positive attitudes towards CLIL. The problems they face are related to: a) inadequate language proficiency, b) dual-focused form of instruction, c) adaptation and design of course material, d) alignment of CLIL subjects with national guidelines, and e) assessment. It will be argued that CLIL warrants greater attention and support.


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Vodopija-Krstanović, I. V., & Badurina, D. R. (2020). CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL): BENEFITS, CHALLENGES AND MEASURES. Methodical Perspectives, 11(11), 69–90.
Author Biographies

Irena V. Vodopija-Krstanović

University of Rijeka

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Departman of English

Dorina R. Badurina

Secondary School Andrije Ljudevita Adamića, Rijeka


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