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Маја Г. Баћић Ћосић


This paper aims to analyze the cases of the Modern Greek language, more specifically genitive, the case whose use native speakers of this language often avoid in everyday informal discourse, choosing instead the accusative with a preposition. For this paper, non-experimental quantitative research was conducted, whose aim was to examine to which extent undergraduate students of Modern Greek language as L2 at the Department of Modern Greek Studies at the Faculty of Philology use the genitive case. The obtained results show that the respondents use the genitive to express possession, time, location, and certain characteristics. When expressing an indirect object, they use the accusative with a preposition to a greater extent.


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Баћић Ћосић, М. Г. (2022). GENITIVE CASE IN TEACHING MODERN GREEK AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Methodical Perspectives, 13(13), 233–250.


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