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In the conditions of the shift to distance education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of formative evaluation as a form of continuous support to students in the process of knowledge acquisition has emerged as one of the optimal solutions for organizing university courses (Barras & Dayer 2020). The aim of our paper will be to present our experience in conducting this type of evaluation within the theoretical classes of the course French Language Teaching Methodology taught remotely at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad during the summer semester of the academic years of 2019/2020 (formative evaluation via e-mail) and 2020/2021 (formative evaluation via the Moodle platform). In our paper, we will analyze the results of an anonymous survey organized at the end of both cycles of lectures, where students expressed their views on such organization of classes, as well as the specific proposals for improving the teaching to future generations.
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