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Katarina B. Radojković Ilić


The subject of this study is the analysis of several characteristics of teaching language for specific purposes which activities are focused on completion of professional tasks rather than on acquisition of language forms. Focus on partial competencies, depending on the needs of students, lack of predetermined grammatical progression, attaching special importance to the development of sociolinguistic, intercultural and different extra linguistic competencies of students, the special role of authentic materials, specific evaluation and continuous adjustment of all didactic elements to the students' needs are some of the elements that were analyzed in French language teaching classes in order to indicate the existence of significant differences between the teaching language for specific purposes and the teaching of general language and the justification of using the methodology of teaching languages for specific purpose as a separate field of didactics.


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Radojković Ilić, K. B. (2017). TEACHING LANGUAGE FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE AS A SEPARATE FIELD OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY. Methodical Perspectives, 7(7), 403–422. https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2016.7.403-422
Author Biography

Katarina B. Radojković Ilić

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Law


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