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Amra T. Hodžić Jejna


Visual communication is the way to pass the information to the consumer in an effective manner. Considering the fact that vocabulary is very important in the process of EFL learning, it is necessary to find out the ways for its successful acquisition. Word and image combination is of great help in the process of language learning. Therefore, the relation between vocabulary learning and visual-verbal material is present as well. Data about the teachers’ attitudes towards the importance of visual-verbal material for EFL vocabulary acquisition are analyzed from the questionnaire that consists of closed-ended questions and two Likert scales. The research was conducted in primary and secondary schools in Novi Pazar, and at University of Novi Pazar.


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How to Cite
Hodžić Jejna, A. T. (2017). ENGLISH TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE INFLUENCE OF VISUAL-VERBAL MATERIAL ON VOCABULARY ACQUISITION. Methodical Perspectives, 7(7), 311–328. https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2016.7.311-328
Author Biography

Amra T. Hodžić Jejna

Culture Center Novi Pazar
Multimedia Center
Novi Pazar


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