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Yelena I. Besedina
Anastasia I. Dudkina
Maria Y. Kopylovskaya


The article deals with the issue of facilitating learning the specific features of spoken professional communication for International Relations through discourse analysis. The authors present an EFL methodology solution to the problem of teaching ESP to International Relations students based on a strong determination to use the latest advancements in linguistics, i.e. discourse analysis for the purposes of ESP teaching at the university level of education, namely the bulk of linguistic research into the rhetoric of discourse strategies. The paper considers the very concept of discourse and discourse strategies, provides examples of discourse strategies used by IR VIP persons in publicly open interviews on TV and outlines the methodology applied to structure the educational process to help students use their linguistic knowledge to achieve efficiency in spoken professional intercultural communication.


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Детаљи чланка

Како цитирати
Besedina, Y. I., Dudkina, A. I., & Kopylovskaya, M. Y. (2018). DISKURZIVNE STRATEGIJE UČENJA ZA MEĐUNARODNE ODNOSE. Методички видици, 8(8), 355–372. https://doi.org/10.19090/mv.2017.8.355-372
Bрој часописа


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